Seniors Giving Back - A National Movement Supporting Local Charities

Seniors Giving Back - A National Movement Supporting Local Charities

Posted Jul 21st, 2020 in News & Updates, Housing Heroes

Seniors Giving Back - A National Movement Supporting Local Charities

Our very first Housing Hero, Sue Anderson, is inviting Bethlehem’s Senior Donors to consider giving back the $300 tax-free subsidy that was issued by the Canadian Government in July to help cope with additional costs due to Covid. 

Sue says “It just makes sense!  Many of us don’t really need the extra money and this is an opportunity to give back and do some good.  A donation of $501 (made in Ontario) would be mostly reimbursed to you by virtue of the $300 tax-free gift you received plus the charitable donation tax credit you would receive in early 2021. It is a wash out.”  

When Sue found out about this national movement “Seniors Giving Back” she instantly thought of Bethlehem and made sure that we were added onto the list of charities on the campaign page.  The Campaign is being run through Canada Helps until August 31, 2020. 

Click on the image below to access the donation page through Canada Helps.  Search for Bethlehem Housing to make a donation.

Seniors Giving Back

About Seniors Giving Back 

Seniors across the country are banding together to support worthy causes. Seniors Giving Back is an organization dedicated to donating the $300 provided to seniors by the government in response to COVID-19, to people in need.

One of the organizers, Kevin Higgins, says while many senior citizens need the funds, there are plenty like him who are doing fine without and want to put it to a good use.

Higgins is inviting seniors across the country who feel the same as him to take the Great Canadian Seniors Break-even Challenge and donate to local non-profit organizations. 

A donation of $501 in Ontario will mostly be reimbursed through the tax-free gift and your 2020 charitable tax credit issued early 2021. Couples who both receive OAS can donate $1,200. In fact, we encourage you to give even more, if your expenses have indeed been reduced.

CLICK HERE to watch a  video to learn how you can maximize your donations of the Federal Grant to assist your favourite charities. 

For more information email the group at

Join the Facebook group

Visit the Campaign page

Make a Difference. Donate online, by mail or by phone.