On November 19, 2019 the Early Childhood Community Development Centre (ECCDC) hosted their annual Early Learning and Child Care Awards of Excellence. Our EarlyON Coordinator, Tiffany Grant was honoured with the Practitioner Award.
The EarlyON Child and Family Centres Practitioner Award recognizes an EarlyON staff member in Niagara that have made a significant influence in the program while supporting the four foundations of How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years. The four foundations are Belonging, Well-being, Engagement and Expression.
Our EarlyON program at Bethlehem Place is unique in that we work very closely with families in our community who often face several adversities in their lives including poverty, homelessness and have been significantly impacted by trauma. Tiffany ensures that our program supports the specific needs of the children and families who visit our EarlyON Centre by providing nutritious snacks, hygiene products and as well as encouragement and resources for parents and caregivers to support their child's development and well-being.
Tiffany exemplifies belonging by cultivating relationships with both adults and children that are friendly, positive and supportive. She learns each individual's name, is always making accommodation to support their needs and interests and ensures that their voices are being heard.
She is always looking for new and innovative ways to provide an environment and experiences for the children to engage in creative and meaningful play. Tiffany finds ways to connect with our participants and encourage their engagement, especially accommodating people facing barriers such as depression and social anxiety.
Tiffany's ability to be a leader and a positive support for our staff and families is one of her greatest strengths. Her ability to remain calm and allow both adult and child to express themselves and help them to find a solution has been very inspiring to those around her. She always makes sure to encourage children and staff to express their thoughts and feelings and understands the importance of fostering communication.
On behalf of the staff and board of directors of Bethlehem Housing and Support Services we give a proud applause to Tiffany and thank her for her outstanding leadership in our EarlyON Child and Family Centre at Bethlehem Place.