Violence Against Women Services

Violence Against Women Services

Posted May 31st, 2017 in Domestic Violence

We serve women of all cultures, religions, ages and sexual orientations who continue to live with or have left an abusive partner.

The Violence Against Women (VAW) program assists women who have experienced abuse during the course of their lives.

Abuse may have occurred in childhood, during a past relationship, or it may be an ongoing concern in a current relationship. A woman may have escaped abuse recently, last year, or a long time ago.

In the VAW program, although our primary focus is on the abuse of women sustained from men with whom they are involved – or have been involved – in an intimate relationship with, we also provide services to women who have experienced abuse from other family members.

Abuse towards a woman can include a large variety of circumstances and does not always end with a final incident of violence or abuse in a specific context.

Even when the threat is gone, a woman who was victimized may spend years working through the effects of what she experienced.  Multiple experiences may also trigger earlier effects, causing pain to infiltrate what appears to be a well-functioning exterior.

VAW Counselling/Transitional Support Programs:

The VAW Counselling and Transitional Support Programs provide support to women aged 16 years or older, who identify themselves as having been sexually, physically, or emotionally abused by their partners or significant others (could be caregiver or other immediate family/household member).

Community Support Workers meet with participants and offer supports including safety planning, referrals to emergency shelters, advocacy, and accompaniment.

We operate from a feminist perspective which includes empowerment, re-affirmation, support, and advocacy, while maintaining a non-judgmental approach.

Some of the topics explored in supportive counselling sessions are the cycle of violence, elements of power and control, warning signs, impacts of abuse on women and children, healthy relationships, and much more.

Support Services Include:

  • Short-term, supportive counselling for women in the community
  • Development of safety strategies or plans for women and their children
  • Provision of information on rights, options, and available services
  • Referrals or linking women to appropriate services
  • Cultural interpretation
  • Advocacy with other agencies (i.e. legal, financial, etc.)

Community Partners:

Bethlehem Housing and Support Services is a member of the Coalition to End Violence Against Women (CEVAW) in Niagara. We work in collaboration with other partner agencies that are also working with women who have experienced violence.

Francophone Services:

Francophone services are offered to women who are victims of violence and that reside in Niagara through the Centre de Santé Communautaire. The services can be accessed by calling (905) 734-1141.

The service is offered in partnership with the Francophone Crisis Line for abused women Fem’aide available 24/7 at 1-877-336-2433.

Si vous désirez obtenir des services en français, prière d’appeler la ligne FEM’AIDE au 1-877-336-2433.

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