As a founding member and a long-standing friend of Bethlehem Housing, we felt that it was important for us to use any donations made in memory of Dick in a way that would reflect his passions and dedication to Bethlehem.
All of the donations that Bethlehem Housing and Support Services received in memory of Dick will be put towards creating our Naturalized Playground at Bethlehem Place. This naturalized play space will facilitate participation in our Early Learning Centre programs that will enhance development for children and improve the quality of life for families that live at Bethlehem Place and in the surrounding area.
A commemorative plaque will be placed at the outside entrance of Bethlehem Place to acknowledge our funders and donors, and to honour the memory of Dick.
Dick’s leadership and insight has been essential to the success of all of Bethlehem’s housing developments, including our newest one. It is well known throughout the community that Dick loved Bethlehem and the feeling is and forever will be mutual.
We can ensure that Dick’s legacy lives on by providing the families and children living at Bethlehem Place access to a natural, outdoor learning space in their own backyard.